Saturday, August 19, 2006


I lied. I said I'd blog again in less than two months and, well, that was in February and now it's August. Opps! Guess life got away from me.

So, here's the latest:
Lovely Sideyard
Pretty Container Pot
This is my lovely new container pot, that (almost) blocks the view of our not-so-lovely recycle bin. I planted it myself, just this morning using inspiration from my recent trip to Victoria.

It was fun and surprisingly easy. If only, it had been surprisingly cheap!

Also, if you look really close in that first photo you can see my lavender and rosemary plants hiding behind on the recycle bin. They are also doing fabulously -- growing like gangbusters and trying to take over the world. And they even smell nice. Happy day.

Well, that's all for now. No promises about when I will blog next, but if you're lucky it'll be before 2007. :)